Given its importance anatomically and in the literature, I
am starting the bone-by-bone osteology series with the maxilla. Structurally this
bone forms the most of the lateral surface of the snout, and medially it is also
a part of the palate. The maxilla is a source of numerous features that are
informative regarding ontogeny, phylogeny and taxonomy. This post will summarize
and illustrate the osteology of the maxilla in lateral view as completely as possible, but only brief attention will be given to ontogenetic and phylogenetic variation.
The terminology here draws from the bulk of the literature
on tyrannosauroids, but preference is given to the terminology of Witmer (1997)
and Witmer and Baumel (1993), given the concerted effort of those authors to
standardize the osteological terminology for Archosauria. For reference, terms that have their own descriptive sections in this post are italicized when they are mentioned under headings of different structures. With regard to ontogenetic
stages, I will use the terms juvenile, subadult, young adult, and adult in
place of the categories “small stage 1”, “large stage 1”, “stage 2” and “stage
3” of Carr (1999). Also, the category “adult” includes “stage 4” of Carr
As per usual, this account does not depart from the literature; since I have two
major works on tyrannosaurid ontogeny in progress, I will not add new data
Abbreviations: ROM, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
A. Maxilla en bloc
The maxilla is the primary tooth-bearing bone of the skull
and, using the internal antorbital fenestra as a landmark, it can be divided
into two primary regions, namely the ascending ramus and the alveolar process
(sensu Witmer, 1997). In lateral view, it surrounds most of the internal and
external antorbital fenestrae, and among the facial bones it is the most
extensively covered by the antorbital fossa. The bone contacts the lacrimal
caudodorsally, the nasal dorsally, the premaxilla rostrally, and the jugal
caudoventrally. It is deeply notched caudally by the internal antorbital fenestra,
and rostrally by the subnarial foramen. The maxilla is penetrated by the large
maxillary fenestra, and the bone forms nearly the entire ventral margin of the
snout, and part of that of the suborbital region.
The coarse subcutaneous surface of the maxilla is continuous
with that of the surrounding bones, which is richly perforated by neurovascular
foramina at the rostroventral quadrant of the bone.
The maxilla is ontogenetically and phylogenetically
variable. During ontogeny in Albertosaurus
libratus and Tyrannosaurus rex,
the maxilla begins as a narrow and nearly flat bone, and with maturity it
inflates laterally in part due to enlargement of the teeth and also inflation
of internal pneumatic sinuses (Carr, 1999). The adult condition is also seen in
adults of other derived tyrannosauroids, including Bistahiversor,
Daspletosaurus, T. bataar, and Zhuchengtyrannus
(Carr, 1999; Carr et Williamson, 2010; Hone et al., 2011). In effect, the rostral region of the bone becomes
bowed laterally, giving it a sinusoidal contour when viewed from below (Carr,
1999). Specific phylogenetic characters are discussed below.
![]() |
Maxilla of a subadult Albertosaurus libratus (ROM 1247) in right lateral view, labeled with the primary regions (sensu Witmer, 1997) of the bone. |
B. Primary regions
ramus Witmer, 1997 (=ascending process, nasal process, posterodorsal process): The ascending ramus includes the
region of the maxilla above the level of the ventral margin of the internal antorbital fenestra. A useful
landmark to define the rostral limit of the ramus is the rostral extent of the
joint surface for the nasal, which stops at the caudodorsal limit of the vestibular bulla. The ramus includes the
region surrounded by most of the rostrodorsal margin of the bone, above the
level of the vestibular bulla, and the rostral and rostrodorsal margins of the
internal antorbital fenestra.
The curvature of the ventral margin of the internal antorbital
fenestra makes that boundary somewhat variable between specimens, so the
vestibular bulla is considered here to be a part of the alveolar process. As such, most of the antorbital fossa and its
subordinate openings are located on the ascending ramus.
process Witmer, 1997 (=main body, ventral ramus): The alveolar process is the region of the
bone below the ventral margin of the internal
antorbital fenestra and the rostral extent of the joint surface for the nasal, which includes the ventral region of
the antorbital fossa, the ventral
margin of the external antorbital
fenestra, the dentigerous
(tooth-bearing) region, the vestibular bulla and its associated
structures, and the jugal ramus. When
the maximum length of the maxilla is measured, it corresponds to the length of
the alveolar process.
The depth of the alveolar process in juveniles of T. rex is comparable to that seen in adults of A. libratus, whereas it is significantly deeper in adults (Carr,
1999). The deep condition is also seen in adult Daspletosaurus (Carr, 1999).
surface Carr et Williamson, 2004 (=lateral face): This term refers to the textured lateral surface that does not
extend onto the antorbital fossa, joint surface for the nasal, or narial fossa.
Presumably this surface was immediately deep to the cutaneous covering over the
periosteum of the bone. This surface is continuous, aside from interruption by several
rows neurovascular foramina and their associated sulci. This coarse surface,
typified by dorsoventrally trending ridges, is continuous with that seen on the
premaxilla, jugal, nasal, and lacrimal. This shared surface is suggestive of an
extensive beaklike structure that covered nearly the entire face.
The subcutaneous surface is ontogenetically variable, where its relief is low in juveniles of A. libratus and T. rex, whereas it is coarse in subadults
(Carr, 1999; Carr et Williamson, 2004). This sculpturing is taken to an extreme in Daspletosaurus, where the region ahead of the antorbital fossa is
much coarser than what is seen in other derived tyrannosauroids (Carr, 1999).
C. Secondary structures
Secondary structures of the ascending ramus
![]() |
Maxilla of a subadult Albertosaurus libratus (ROM 1247) in right lateral view showing the secondary structures of the ascending ramus. |
surface for the nasal: The joint surface for the nasal extends for
nearly the entire length of the dorsal surface of the ramus; only the caudal
extremity joins the lacrimal.
In A. libratus, this joint surface is affected by ontogenetic changes to the
rostrodorsal region of the bone, where it faces dorsolaterally in juveniles, which
expands to displace the joint surface to face dorsally in subadults. In adult Daspletosaurus expansion displaces the
joint surface dorsomedially (Carr, 1999). In T. rex, the dorsal to dorsomedial change, from juvenile to adult,
is seen (Carr, 1999).
Also, this suture in derived tyrannosaurines (Daspletosaurus, Tyrannosaurus)
becomes deeply peg-in-socket in adults, which can be so extreme as to eliminate
landmarks such as the maxillary flange.
surface for the lacrimal: The caudodorsal extremity of the ascending
ramus splits into a pair of tapering processes, producing a V-shaped notch that
receives the rostral end of the lacrimal. The lacrimal extends rostrally ahead
of the notch, out of view, onto the medial surface of the ascending ramus. For
a short distance, a stout process from the lacrimal overlaps the caudodorsal
margin of the maxilla above the notch. Ahead of this, the nasal overlaps the
dorsolateral surface of the maxilla.
antorbital fenestra Witmer, 1997 (=rim of the antorbital fossa): The rostrodorsal extent of the
external antorbital fenestra is within the ascending
ramus, whereas its ventral margin is below it. The fenestra extends
caudodorsally above the internal
antorbital fenestra; in some taxa (Albertosaurus
spp., Bistahieversor, Daspletosaurus) the margin extends
between the internal antorbital fenestra and the joint surface for the nasal, whereas in others (Tyrannosaurus spp.) the fenestra extends
to the nasal, and behind this the antorbital
fossa extends along the nasal bone (Carr, 1999). As such, the nasal does form part of the
dorsal margin of the fenestra on occasion.
fossa: The antorbital fossa is the large and smooth depression that covers
the caudodorsal region of the bone, which completely surrounds the internal antorbital fenestra. The fossa
extends rostrally ahead of the midlength of the dentigerous region of the bone. The fossa is bounded by the external antorbital fossa, the
transition point between the fossa and the coarse subcutaneous surface that covers the rest of the lateral surface of
the bone. As seen in A. libratus, the
fossa is limited to the maxilla, but in derived tyrannosaurines (e.g., Tyrannosaurus), the fossa extends to the
joint surface of the nasal where it extends along that bone for some distance
(Carr, 1999).
Several subordinate structures can be seen within the antorbital fossa,
including the interfenestral strut
that extends between the internal antorbital fenestra and the maxillary fenestra, the promaxillary strut that separates the
maxillary and promaxillary fenestrae,
and the maxillary and promaxillary fenestrae. Variable features include
accessory pneumatic fossae or fenestrae in the dorsal or ventral regions of the
interfenestral strut, and the size of the maxillary fenestra (Carr, 1999; Carr
et Williamson, 2004).
In A. libratus juveniles,
the rostral margin of the fossa is not overlapped by the subcutaneous surface, whereas the surface is strutlike and covers the leading edge of the fossa in young
adults (Carr, 1999). This difference
between juveniles and adults of T. bataar
and T. rex is also seen (Carr, 1999).
The strut is seen in adult Daspletosaurus,
which was presumably absent from juveniles of that taxon (Carr, 1999).
antorbital fenestra Witmer, 1997 (=antorbital fenestra, first antorbital fenestra): The caudodorsally extending
margin of the internal antorbital fenestra forms the caudal margin of the
ascending ramus, whereas its ventral margin represents the boundary between the
ascending ramus and the alveolar process.
flange Carr et Williamson, 2004: The maxillary flange is the usually
distinct convexity along the dorsal margin of the bone that is situated above
the rostral end of the antorbital fossa
(Carr et Williamson, 2004). This feature is seen in nearly all specimens,
except it can be low and indistinct in juveniles or partly obliterated by the
deep peg-in-socket nasomaxillary suture in adults. Also, this structure is so
low that it is virtually absent in Alioramus
altai (Brusatte et al., 2012). Otherwise, this is a constant feature in
derived tyrannosauroids (Carr et Williamson, 2004).
process Carr et Williamson, 2010: This term refers to the dorsoventrally shallow process located
toward the caudal end of the ascending ramus, situated at the boundary of the
external antorbital fenestra and the subcutaneous surface. Its dorsal margin
extends along the nasal, whereas its ventral surface is separated from the
lateral surface antorbital fossa by a narrow groove, its caudal tip may abut the
rostroventral process of the lacrimal.
The dorsoventral height of the process is phylogenetically variable,
where it is shallow in A. libratus, shallower
than the antorbital fossa below it, whereas it is deep – as deep as the fossa
below it - in Daspletosaurus (Carr, 1999). In T.
rex, this structure is obliterated by the antorbital fossa (Carr, 1999).
lamina Witmer, 1997 (=lateral flange): The sheet of bone that is situated lateral to the
promaxillary recess and in lateral view is covered by the subcutaneous surface.
lamina Witmer, 1997: The sheet of bone that is produced by the excavation of
the antorbital fossa. It is
penetrated by the maxillary fenestra,
and forms the medial wall of the canal that is expressed caudally as the promaxillary fenestra. As such, the
medial lamina forms the partition that separates the maxillary antrum from the promaxillary recess, deep to the lateral lamina. The medial lamina
contains the medially extensive (i.e., wide) bony enclosure of the maxillary
antrum caudally, and the promaxillary recess rostrally.
Region of
the maxillary antrum (=rostrolateral surface): As used here, the region external to the
maxillary antrum corresponds to the subcutaneous region ahead of the antorbital
fossa. This region is ontogenetically variable in A. libratus, where in juveniles the surface is not expanded or
inflated, and a clear ridge can be seen to surround the antorbital fossa
rostrally (Carr, 1999). In contrast, this region in young adults is expanded
rostrally and dorsoventrally; in adults, it is expanded and inflated owing to
enlargement of the teeth and inflation of the maxillary sinus system,
eliminating the ridge that encircles the antorbital fossa rostrally (Carr, 1999). This extreme change distinguishes the
juvenile condition in T. rex from
that of adults (Carr, 1999). The expanded condition is also seen in adult
Daspletosaurus (Carr, 1999).
![]() |
Maxilla of a subadult Albertosaurus libratus (ROM 1247) in right lateral view, labeled to show the location of the region of the maxillary antrum. |
fenestra Carpenter, 1992 (=anteriormost fenestra): The promaxillary fenestra, in actuality should be
regarded as a foramen, since it is the caudal opening of a short canal that
extends caudolaterally from the promaxillary antrum onto the antorbital fossa. This opening is
positioned between the lateral and medial laminae of the maxilla.
The lateral exposure of this opening is phylogenetically and
ontogenetically informative, where it is either exposed to view or concealed by
a strut developed along the rostral margin of the external antorbital fenestra (Russell, 1970).
In juveniles and subadults of A. libratus,
the opening exposed to view, whereas in young adults the opening is partly or
completely concealed (Carr, 1999). Also, the dorsal margin of the fenestra is
not recessed in juvenile A. libratus or
T. bataar; in contrast, it is recessed in
young adults of A. libratus, where
the dorsal margin of the fossa that leads into the canal becomes undercut
(Carr, 1999).
In A. libratus juveniles the
opening is a narrow slit, whereas it is wide in young adults (Carr, 1999). The
slit condition is seen in juvenile T. rex,
whereas it has the form of a round foramen in adults (Carr, 1999). The round
condition is seen in adult Daspletosaurus;
presumably the foramen in juveniles was slitlike (Carr, 1999).
strut Witmer, 1997: The part of the medial
lamina that is interposed between the rostral end of the maxillary fenestra
and the promaxillary fenestra.
fenestra: The maxillary fenestra is the large opening located between the
rostral margins of the external and internal antorbital fenestrae. It is
generally round and although variable in size, the caudal margin is always
V-shaped with the point of the V extending caudally (Brochu, 1993). The fenestra is the
primary lateral opening into the maxillary antrum. In some taxa (A. libratus; Witmer, 1997),
an exceedingly shallow fossa extends caudally or caudodorsally from the
maxillary fenestra.
This opening is ontogenetically variable; for instance, the fenestra
is approximately circular in outline and positioned halfway between the rostral
margins of the external and internal antorbital fenestrae in juveniles of A. libratus, T. bataar, and T. rex
(Carr, 1999). In contrast, the opening is long in specimens more mature than subadults where it approaches the rostral margin of the antorbital fossa (Carr, 1999). In adults
of Daspletosaurus, the maxillary
fenestra closely approaches, but does not reach the rostral margin of the
antorbital fossa, whereas in Tyrannosaurus
adults, and possibly Zhuchengtyrannus,
the fenestra extends past the rostral margin of the fenestra (Carr, 1999; Hone
et al., 2011).
strut: This pillar separates the maxillary
fenestra from the internal antorbital
fenestra. Its dorsoventral height is corresponds to that of the maxillary
In A. libratus and T. rex, the lateral surface of the strut
is ontogenetically variable, where the ventral half is flat in juveniles,
whereas it is concave in adults (Carr, 1999). The concave condition is also
seen in Daspletosaurus adults (Carr,
1999). This condition is taken to an extreme in adults of some taxa (e.g., T. rex), where the region is perforated
(Carr et Williamson, 2004). Also, the dorsal half of the strut becomes
excavated by a deep fossa in old adult T.
rex (Carr et Williamson, 2004).
strut Witmer, 1997: In some specimens, the upper corner of the rostral
margin of the internal antorbital
fenestra is convex. This bulge represents the relatively caudal position of
the caudodorsal part of the postantral strut, the medial branch that bounds the postantral fenestra (=caudal antral fenestra; Witmer,
1997) that otherwise
cannot be seen from the side.
Phylogenetic characters of the ascending ramus
Illustrated above are the phylogenetic characters that pertain to the
ascending ramus, as identified by Brusatte et al. (2010). A detailed
description of them will not be given here, but some aspects are worth pointing
Phylogenetically informative characters of the ramus are not localized
to one region, where they are instead distributed among (1) the nasomaxillary joint,
(2) the maxillary fenestra and interfenestral strut, (3) the promaxillary
fenestra, (4) the external antorbital fenestra, (5) the antorbital fossa, (6)
the size of the ascending ramus, and (7) the form of the rostrodorsal margin of
the bone.
Secondary structures of the alveolar process
![]() |
Maxilla of a subadult Albertosaurus libratus (ROM 1247) in right lateral view, labeled with the secondary features of the alveolar process. |
fossa: The narial fossa is a depression that extends caudodorsally from the
subnarial foramen that is pinched out
between the subcutaneous surface and
the joint surface for the premaxilla.
The fossa covers the lateral and rostrolateral surfaces of the vestibular bulla, whereas its dorsal
surface is covered by the joint surface. Although the fossa does extend
caudodorsally into the basal region of the ascending ramus, the fossa and its
contents are here treated as a part of the alveolar process, given that its
subordinate features and association with the subnarial foramen are located
The narial fossa is smooth relative the coarse subcutaneous surface
and in many cases it is depressed relative to that external surface. The texture
and inset nature of the fossa indicates that it is a continuation of the narial
fossa that depresses much of the external surface of the premaxilla.
Doubtlessly, it is an osteological correlate of soft tissue associated with the
external naris, and not the subcutaneous surface. The former presence of a specific
blood supply to that tissue is indicated by distinct foramina that open into
the fossa, which have a stable occurrence in derived tyrannosauroids.
The narial fossa of the maxilla has a notable concentration of
neurovascular openings at its caudoventral corner, namely one or two rostral foramina and the subnarial foramen. This occurrence
indicates that the soft tissue associated with the external naris required a
substantial blood and nervous supply. The fossa wraps around the rostral edge
of the bone at the margin of the subnarial foramen.
bulla Witmer, 1997 (=premaxillary process): This flange-like structure that extends from the
rostromedial surface of the bone, situated between the subnarial foramen ventrally and the joint surface for the premaxilla dorsally. It is smooth and lies
within the narial fossa. It is
delimited by the rostral end of the promaxillary sinus rostrally, the joint
surface for the premaxilla dorsally, the narial fossa laterally, and the margin
of the subnarial foramen ventrally. Anatomically, the bulla is a swelling of
the promaxillary sinus that extends rostrally into view, ahead of the external
surface of the bone.
The bulla is almost certainly ontogenetically variable, where its
lateral surface relatively flat in juveniles and subadults of A. libratus, whereas it is swollen and
convex in adult Daspletosaurus and T. rex (Carr, 1999). Presumably this
structure was not swollen in juveniles of the tyrannosaurines.
surface for the premaxilla: In lateral view, the joint surface for the premaxilla excavates the dorsal surface of the vestibular bulla. The joint surface faces more dorsally than laterally, it is triangular in outline, and it tapers caudodorsally, pinched out between the bulla medially and the rostral end of the joint surface for the nasal laterally. The joint surface is coarse and concave, and rostrally it widens rostromedially toward the intermaxillary process, the free rostral end of the palatal process of the maxilla. This contact with the premaxilla is separated rostroventrally from the premaxillary buttress the gap formed by the margin of the subnarial foramen.
Margin of
the subnarial foramen (=narial foramen): In all tyrannosaurids, the margin of the
subnarial foramen is a shallow or deep notch in the rostral margin of the
alveolar process that is separated from the ventral margin of the bone by a
dorsoventrally deep joint surface for the premaxilla, the premaxillary buttress. The foramen opens into the narial fossa
between the maxilla and premaxilla, producing a narrow gap or a large foramen. This
foramen does not correspond to the alveolar
or circumferential row, and almost
certainly not to one of the rows that occur between them. The large size of the
subnarial foramen indicates a substantial blood and nerve supply to the presumably
cavernous soft tissue of the external naris.
rostral foramen Carr, 1999: This is a relatively large foramen located
toward the lateral edge of the narial
fossa at the level of the dorsal margin of the subnarial foramen; it is dorsal to the ventral rostral foramen, if that opening is present (Carr, 1999).
This foramen does not correspond to the alveolar
or circumferential row, or to any of
the rows that are scatted between those primary rows. The relatively large size
of this foramen indicates a substantial blood and nerve supply to the presumably
cavernous soft tissue that supported the external naris and produced the narial
This opening is ontogenetically variable in A. libratus, where the foramen is slit-like in juveniles, whereas it is large
and round in young adults (Carr, 1999). The round condition is also seen adults
of Daspletosaurus and T. rex (Carr, 1999). In adult Daspletosaurus, expansion of this region
is so great that the subcutaneous surface separates this opening from the
ventral rostral foramen (Carr, 1999).
rostral foramen Carr, 1999: This small foramen is located
toward the lateral edge of the narial
fossa rostroventral to the dorsal
rostral foramen, at the level of the ventral margin of the subnarial foramen; it is not present in
all tyrannosauroids (Carr, 1999). This foramen does not obviously correspond to
the alveolar or circumferential row, or to any of the rows that occur between
This opening is ontogenetically variable in A. libratus, where it is smaller then the dorsal rostral foramen in
juveniles, whereas it is larger then the dorsal foramen in young adults (Carr,
1999). This difference is also seen between the juveniles and adults of T. rex, and the large condition is seen
in adult Daspletosaurus (Carr, 1999).
In adult Daspletosaurus, expansion of
this region is so great that the subcutaneous surface separates this opening
from the dorsal rostral foramen (Carr, 1999).
buttress Carr, 1999: This structure is located below the margin of the subnarial foramen. The buttress proper faces
rostrally and it is an abutting joint surface for the maxilla below that foramen. In the articulated skull the buttress forms the maxillary contribution to the
maxillopremaxillary suture below the subnarial foramen.
region (=alveolar region): In lateral view, this region makes up the bulk of the alveolar
process. Although the dorsal limit of the alveoli cannot be seen from the side,
they approximately line up with (slightly above) the ventral margin of the
external antorbital fenestra. The dentigerous region begins at the rostral end
of the bone, and stops caudally at the caudal end of the last tooth socket, in
the vicinity of the caudalmost foramen of the alveolar row of neurovascular foramina. The dentigerous region
occupies at least two thirds of the length of the entire bone.
The dentigerous region is ontogenetically variable, where it increases
in dorsoventral depth with maturity (Carr, 1999). Also, in juveniles a distinct
ridge extends along the ventral margin of the external antorbital fenestra and
around its rostral margin (Carr, 1999). Expansion of the teeth makes this ridge
indistinct in subadults (Carr, 1999). This is taken to an extreme in adult Daspletosaurus, where alveolar expansion
completely eliminates the ridge (Carr, 1999).
In Daspletosaurus, the
dentigerous region is so dorsoventrally expanded that its dorsal and ventral
margins only gradually converge caudally toward the jugal ramus (Carr, 1999).
ridge: This structure encircles the ventral and rostral margins of the
external antorbital fenestra. In T. rex
it is distinct in juveniles, whereas it is absent from adults; its presence is
seen in A. libratus juveniles, and it
is absent from adults of Daspletosaurus
(Carr, 1999). Carr et Williamson (2004) have found that loss of the ridge is
seen late in T. rex ontogeny, in the transition between
young and old adults.
margin: The ventral margin of the maxilla in derived tyrannosauroids has a
distinct profile, where the margin below the dentigerous region is ventrally convex.
The margin of the dentigerous region is distinct from that of the jugal ramus in that the ventral margin
of the jugal ramus is straight, or it is convex and extends at an angle caudoventrally
from the dentigerous margin. Even in species where the dentigerous region is
shallow and its ventral margin is nearly straight (e.g., Alioramus altai), an angulation separates it from the jugal ramus (Brusatte et al., 2012).
Undulations Lambe,
1917: The ventral margin of the dentigerous
region is not an uninterrupted continuous curve, it is broken up by
undulations that in turn are made up of two parts: a series of notches in the
margin corresponds to each interalveolar septum (mediolaterally oriented
partition of bone that separates adjacent tooth sockets) that are separated
from each other by convexities that flank the base of each tooth. It appears
that the notches are the donut (downward growth inhibited by the septa),
whereas the convexities are the donuts (growth that extends the alveolus
ventrally) that presumably limited lateral displacement of teeth under the loadings
of a bite.
skirts Carr, 1999: These structures are short flanges that extend ventrally from the
convex undulations that flank the alveoli. They are only seen in adult derived
tyrannosaurines, including Daspletosaurus
(Carr, 1999).
foramina: Two primary rows of neurovascular foramina penetrate the lateral
surface of the bone (Brochu, 1993). The circumferential
row is the dorsalmost of the two rows, which extends close to – and around
– the ventral and rostroventral margins of the external antorbital fenestra
(Brochu, 1993). The alveolar row
extends just above – and parallel to – the ventral margin of the dentigerous
region (Brochu, 1993). The alveolar row extends uninterrupted onto the
premaxilla where it splits into two or three rows, whereas it stops caudally in
the vicinity of the last (i.e., caudalmost) alveolus of the tooth row. Several
rows of foramina are scattered between the primary rows, especially rostrally.
These openings are the external exits of canals that extended within
the interior of the maxilla that in life housed the branch of an artery, vein,
and nerve. The openings continue onto the lateral surface of the bone as
branching grooves termed neurovascular sulci. In the living animal, the
neurovascular bundle would have extended toward the overlying dermis to (1) deliver
nutrients and oxygenated blood to the cells of the dermis and periosteum, (2) receive
metabolic waste and depleted blood to be sent to the lungs and kidneys, and (3)
transduce the tactile sensations stimulated by the physical contact between the
epidermis and the immediate environment into a charge difference for
transmission along the membranes of nerve cells to the brain for processing and
The sulci of the alveolar row extend to the ventral edge of the bone,
indicating that the nerves brought sensations stimulated along the external
oral margin to the brain. The large size of these foramina suggests that this
was an area of active remodeling that required a higher blood supply than the
lateral surface of the bone situated away from the tooth row.
In contrast, the sulci of the circumferential row - and those between
it and the alveolar row - generally extend ventrally, but they also have a
dorsally extending component. This arrangement transforms the rostral end of
the alveolar process into a massive, and presumably highly sensitive, tactile surface.
Presumably, cutaneous sensations replaced the sense of sight during activities
that engaged the power of the jaws during killing and feeding.
The foramina and sulci are ontogenetically variable in A. libratus, where the foramina are
small and the sulci shallow in juveniles (Carr, 1999). In contrast, the openings
are large and the grooves are deeply incised in young adults (Carr, 1999). This
difference is also seen between juvenile and adult T. rex (Carr, 1999). Carr et Williamson (2004) later found that
this change occurs relatively late in T.
rex ontogeny, between subadults and adults. The large foramina and deep
sulci are seen in adult Daspletosaurus,
presumably the small and shallow condition is in juveniles (Carr, 1999).
antorbital fenestra: In A.
libratus, the rostroventral margin of the fenestra is ontogenetically
variable, where the distinction between the fenestra and antorbital fossa is
sharp in juveniles, whereas these surface grade into each other in more mature
individuals (Carr, 1999).
In A. libratus, the ventral
margin of the fenestra is ontogenetically variable, where it is straight or
concave in juveniles, whereas it is sigmoid or dorsally convex in young adults
(Carr, 1999). The margin is also convex in adult Daspletosaurus, and alveolar expansion (enlargement of teeth)
expands the dentigerous region such that the ventral margin of the antorbital
fossa extends laterally like a ledge (Carr, 1999). In T. rex the ventral margin is straight, and both the straight and
concave conditions are seen in adults (Carr, 1999).
Jugal ramus: The jugal
ramus includes the entire region of the alveolar process (including the antorbital fossa) that is caudal to the dentigerous region. The ramus is
approximately a third of the length of the entire bone. The ramus is tightly
interleaved with the jugal along several mostly vertical connections (see joint surface for the jugal). The ramus
splits caudally into a pair of processes, the short dorsal jugal process and the long ventral jugal process. The ramus often, but not always, extends at
a caudoventral angle from the dentigerous region; in contrast, the ramus
extends nearly directly caudally from the dentigerous region in juveniles and
subadults (Carr, 199).
In the disarticulated bone, the split between the dorsal and ventral
processes occurs far caudal to where the rostral tip of the jugal is situated. However,
the rostral end of the joint surface of the jugal is a useful landmark as the
point of separation between the two processes when making comparisons between
articulated skulls and disarticulated bones.
surface for the jugal: In lateral view, the joint surface covers the
region caudal to the antorbital fossa,
bordered above by the dorsal margin of the dorsal
jugal process, and from there it extends caudally onto the dorsomedial
surface of the ventral jugal process.
The joint surface rostrally is vertically oriented and flat, which extends
laterally onto the dorsal surface of the ledge of the external antorbital fenestra that extends below and along the antorbital
fossa. The ventral part of the joint surface is generally flat.
In contrast, the joint surface on the ventral jugal process is
coarsened by rostrocaudally extending grooves and ridges. This widely exposed
joint surface extends rostrally medial to the vertical flange that is
overlapped by the jugal. As such, the maxilla is gripped from both sides of the
antorbital fossa by the jugal.
jugal process (=upper process): In lateral view, the dorsal jugal process is located entirely within
the antorbital fossa, and so it is medially inset relative to the wide,
laterally extending ventral jugal process.
The overlapping lateral maxillary process of the jugal covers most of the
lateral surface of the dorsal jugal process, but a slip of the process always
extends above that bone. In effect, the maxilla excludes the tip of the jugal
from contributing to the caudoventral part of the margin of the internal antorbital fenestra. In the
disarticulated maxilla, the joint surface for the jugal on the process is a
flat and inset facet, relative to the ridge that extends above the tip of the
jugal process Carr et Williamson, 2004 (=lower process): The ventral jugal process corresponds to the tapering caudoventral
extremity of the bone caudal to the dentigerous
region that is covered by the subcutaneous surface. Its rostral end is
penetrated by the last foramen of the alveolar
row of foramina, and it is scoured by the long sulcus that extends caudoventrally
from the opening.
In A. libratus, the sulcus
is shallow in juveniles, and it extends parallel to the ventral margin of the
process; in contrast, the sulcus of young adults is short, deeply incised, and
breaches (i.e., notches) the ventral margin of the process (Carr, 1999). The
juvenile and mature conditions are also seen in the juveniles and adults of T. rex, respectively (Carr, 1999). In
adult Daspletosaurus, the sulcus
breaches the ventral margin of the process (Carr, 1999).
In the illustration of Albertosaurus
libratus skull above, it can be seen that the ventral jugal process extends far
caudally, below the level of the orbital fenestra. In derived tyrannosauroids,
the tip of the process extends onto the medial surface of the jugal, so the
bone in actuality extends a short distance further caudally before it stops.
Phylogenetic characters of the alveolar process
Several phylogenetically informative characters pertain to the lateral
surface of the alveolar process, which are shown in the accompanying diagram. The
characters are not dominated by a single structure or region, where they
pertain to (1) the rim around the antorbital fossa, (2) the texture of the
subcutaneous surface, (3) the primary row of foramina, (4) the ventral margin
of the external antorbital fenestra, (5) the dorsoventral height of the
antorbital fossa, and (6) the dorsoventral depth of the dentigerous region.
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